Features, Reviews (Eats)Istanbul’s Top 5 Lahmacun Makers – #4: Öz Kilis
(Editor’s Note: A recent article about a spat between Turkey and Greek Cyprus over who owns the rights to claim lahmacun as their own got us thinking about those minced-meat covered discs of dough and how, when done right, they really are something worth fighting over. So, prompted by the Turkish-Cypriot food fight, we’ve decided to officially declare this week “Lahmacun Week in Istanbul,” where we’ll be looking at five of our undisputed favorite spots in town to get a taste of how the contested savory delight should be made. Today’s post takes a look at Öz Kilis, a spot on a Fatih backstreet serving lahmacun (and kebab) as its made in southeastern Turkish city of Kilis.)
In Turkish popular lore, the denizens of Kilis, a town in southeastern Turkey right near the Syrian border, are known for several things: kebab and lahmacun making and smuggling. We haven’t been to Kilis, so we can’t vouch for the smuggling bit. But we did recently have lunch at Öz Kilis, a wonderful little spot on a quiet back street in the Fatih neighborhood run by two Kilis natives, and can report that the kebab and lahmacun making reputation is well deserved. (Click here for the rest of the review)
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Post Tags: Fatih, Istanbul Eats, Istanbul restaurants, kebab, Southeastern cuisine
Mar 22, 2011
Once again, I love reading your posts. Reading about this panned kebab was making my mouth water. Then when I read about the slices of eggplant roasted beneath the meat…over the edge I went. Thanks again.