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Posts Tagged ‘ Karaköy ’

Dec 01

Mutfak Dili: Tradesmen’s Paradise

Filed under Reviews (Eats)

Mutfak Dili, photo by Yigal Schleifer

Istanbul Eats lunch hunting tip #1:

Wander into one of Istanbul’s numerous districts of small commerce and find yourself on a small street with a shoe cobbler, a knife sharpener and hardware shops.

Enter one of these shops, preferably one where two old men are sitting at the counter looking at the horse racing form or working the crossword puzzle.

Ask them where they eat lunch. (Note: They might misinterpret your question and try to send you to the place they think you should eat lunch.) Repeat the question clearly: “Where do you eat lunch?”

Follow their instructions to the nearest esnaf lokantası.

Read the rest of the review at Culinary Backstreets.


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