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Posts Tagged ‘ Ottoman cuisine ’

Dec 14

Dine Like an Ottoman

Filed under News

The Wall Street Journal has a new article up about some of the high-end restaurants in Istanbul that are rediscovering formal Ottoman cooking, but also giving it a “contemporary” spin. One of them, the newly opened Karakol, located inside an old guardhouse on the grounds of Topkapı Palace, sounds especially intriguing (as does their kebab made out of duck breast and served with an almond-hummus foam). You can read the article here.

Meanwhile, the English-language daily Today’s Zaman has an interesting article about the first woman chef in Turkey to become officially certified to make Adana kebab. Turns out the Adana Chamber of Commerce is now actually training kebab makers in the proper way of making the city’s namesake kebab. The article is here (recipe included).

(Photo: The dining room in Tuğra, a restaurant in Istanbul’s Çırağan Palace Hotel. Photo by Kerem Uzel, WSJ)

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