May 03
NewsAnd the Winner Is….
We are very proud to announce that we have been voted “Best Culinary Travel Blog” in Saveur Magazine’s third annual Best Food Blog Awards competition. The competition was stiff and we were honored just to be included among that group of six finalists. A victory by any one of us would have been a victory for good taste. Thank you to everyone who voted for us and really to everyone who’s supported this blog over the last three years. We promise to keep up the good work! For the full list of Saveur’s winners, click here.

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May 4, 2012
Congratulations on winning the Saveur Best Culinary Travel Blog!!! Very much deserved! We just returned from 4 days in Istanbul where we ate exclusively at restaurants, cafes etc. recommended in the blog and book. They were all wonderful experiences and completely lived up to their recommendation! Thank you!
A wonderful city made even better with the culinary pointers.
May 7, 2012
Congratulations! I actually discovered your blog when I came across it as a Saveur finalist, and I’m glad I did. You’ve got great content and photos.
May 18, 2012
Tebrikler! Richly deserved.